Skateboard Advocacy

Our Advocacy Initiatives include:

Community Engagement: We engage with local communities to understand their needs and advocate for skateboarding as a positive recreational activity for youth.

Policy Advocacy: We work with government officials to advocate for policies that support the growth of skateboarding in Ethiopia, including the allocation of resources for skatepark construction and maintenance.

Educational Outreach: We conduct educational workshops and programs to teach youth about the culture and history of skateboarding, emphasizing values such as perseverance, creativity, and inclusivity.

International Collaboration: We collaborate with international organizations and skateboarding communities worldwide to exchange knowledge, resources, and best practices in skateboarding advocacy.

Since our grassroots inception in 2013, we have been dedicated to promoting skateboarding as a tool for social change and youth empowerment in Ethiopia. Our advocacy initiatives aim to:

Raise Awareness: We work to raise awareness about the benefits of skateboarding for youth development, physical health and community building.

Campaign for Public Spaces: We advocate for the creation of inclusive public spaces and skateparks where young people can skate safely and freely.

Urban Development: We aim to collaborate with local governments and urban planners to design cities that are inclusive of skateboarders and provide skate-friendly infrastructure.

Olympic Skateboarding: We support and promote the development of skateboarding as an Olympic sport in Ethiopia, providing opportunities for local talent to compete on the global stage.